101 Amazing Facts About Guam

Twelve years ago writers, historians and other scholars interested in Guam history and culture came together to begin creating what is now guampedia.com, Guam’s online encyclopedia. Ideas were brought together, outlines were made, and the first grants were obtained in 2002. In 2005 research and writing began and the website went online in 2008 with 350 entries and hundreds of digitized historic images. More entries continue to be added with support from the Guam community.
Throughout this project, every so often, little known facts about Guam history would come up and we, the Guampedia editors, would be amazed. Did you know for example that ancient Chamorros believed that brother and sister spirits, Puntan and Fu’una, created the universe, and that different places on Guam are named after human body parts? Did you know that pirates frequented our shores, which is why we have stone forts along Guam’s western coastline? Some of these pirates kept journals and wrote about their experiences on Guam.
You might have heard that Guam was a stop on the first trans-Pacific air travel route by Pan American Airlines, but did you know that American author Ernest Hemingway was on one of those flights, and he stayed at the Pan American Hotel in Sumai?
Our hope is that these amazing facts will encourage you to find out more about Guam’s history by visiting Guampedia.com, where additional in-depth information and exciting images can be found.
Your support of this publication will help Guampedia continue its mission to make Guam history accessible to everyone.
Prepare to be amazed!
Si Yu’os Ma’åse,
The Guampedia Editors
Purchase online at our Heritage Gift Shop or at the following locations:
- Guampedia office, House No. 3, Dean’s Circle UOG, Mangilao
- University of Guam Triton Bookstore
- Guinahan Chamoru at Sagan Kotturan Chamoru in Ipao Point
This book is a great way to quickly learn about one of the least known yet fascinating histories in the world. One sitting with this and you’ll be the foremost expert on Guam in your home town.
Leo Babauta,
Creator of Zen Habits
101 Amazing Facts About Guam is a thorough resource for Chamorros and other curious readers to learn about the rich history of Guam. This comprehensive snap shot about Guam takes on the challenging task of highlighting the complexities of Chamorro history while remaining an easily accessible book.
Jesi Lujan Bennett,
University of Hawai’i Graduate Student
101 Amazing Facts About Guam is a must-have publication. You will be intrigued and amazed by what you learn about the beautiful, historical island of Guam.
Sherry Dixon,
Author of Natural Destiny
Guampedia’s 101 Amazing Facts brings together some well known and some not-so-familiar tidbits from Guam’s history that offer an excellent and largely accessible quick reference source for history buffs, island visitors, new and longtime residents, and anyone interested in taking a glimpse into Guam’s rich past.
James Perez Viernes,
University of Guam History and Chamorro Studies Faculty
- Micronesian Area Research Center, University of Guam
- Guam Visitors Bureau
- Guam Preservation Trust
- Department of Chamorro Affairs