Thomas Marler
Rubric Chair

Natural Resources
Thomas E. Marler earned a PhD in plant physiology from University of Florida in 1988. He holds a master of science and bachelor of science in horticulture from Mississippi State University awarded in 1984 and 1982, respectively.
Marler is a professor with the Western Pacific Tropical Research Center in the College of Natural and Applied Sciences at the University of Guam. His program is based on two general areas of research: terrestrial ecology and horticultural practices on Guam. The major focus of the ecology research is environmental plant physiology in relation to the typical abiotic stresses of the Mariana Islands, and conservation of threatened plant taxa in the Mariana Islands. The horticultural research aims at improving production practices of tropical fruit species and native woody perennial tree species.
Marler’s published work can be found in science journals such as Micronesica, HortScience, American Journal of Botany, Acta Horticulturae, Functional Plant Biology, Annals of Botany, and The Botanical Review among others.
Marler is the recipient of several research grants from federal agencies such as the National Science Foundation, the USDA Cooperative State Research Education and Extension Service (CSREES), the Cooperative Lands Forest Health Management (CLFHM) of the USDA Forest Service and the US Department of Defense.