Rosa Salas Palomo
Rubric Chair
Chamorro Language

Rosa Salas Palomo earned a BA in early childhood and elementary education and an MA in education and reading, both from the University of Guam.
Palomo has worked as a classroom teacher, curriculum developer, school program consultant, and project director of the Bilingual-Bicultural Education Program and as tenured assistant professor of Chamorro language in the Division of Humanities, College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences at the University of Guam. She was also an elected member of the Guam Public School System Education Policy Board.
She retired from the University of Guam in September 2007 leaving her position as acting director of the Micronesian Language Institute, Graduate School and Research, University of Guam.
Currently, she is on contract as an adjunct professor teaching Chamorro language classes at the University of Guam and is project director/coordinator of a five year $1.5 million National Professional Development grant from the US Office of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition.