Randall L. Workman

Randall L. Workman holds a BA in psychology from University of Northern Iowa and he earned both his MA and PhD in sociology from Bowling Green State University, Ohio.
Dr. Workman is professor emeritus at the University of Guam and a continuing associate with the university’s Community Development and Economic Systems Extension Program.
For the past thirty years he has worked on public health policies, advocacy/legislation, and agency collaboration. His publications and technical reports contributing to health program planning and evaluation are numerous.
In the mid-1980s, when Guam developed a health promotion plan, he worked with Public Health and Social Services to advance their capacity conducting the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Survey (BRFSS) System. In 1996 he initiated work with the Bureau of Planning, Department of Youth Affairs and Guam Public School System to develop the Youth Risk Behavior Surveillance Survey into a more widely used resource on Guam. During 2000 to 2002, he provided technical assistance to Guam Department of Public Health with development of Guam’s Comprehensive Plan for Primary Care Services to Persons Living with HIV/AIDS.