Original illustrations from the Guam Public Library System’s Ancient CHamoru Objects, by Bévalet in Freycinet’s Voyage Autour du Monde, 1824.

Ancient CHamoru numbers

0tåya16månot na gai gunom80guålo’ na fulu
1håcha17månot na gai fiti87guålo’ na fulu na gai fiti
2hugua18månot na gai gualo’90sigua na fulu
3tulu19månot na gai sigua98sigua na fulu na gai guålo’
4fåtfat20hugua na fulu99sigua na fulu na gai sigua
5lima21hugua na fulu na gai hacha100gåtos
6gunom30tutu na fulu200hugua na gåtos
7fiti32tutu na fulu na gai hugua300tulu na gåtos
8guålo’40fåtfat na fulu400fåtfat na gåtos
9sigua43fåtfat na fulu na gai tulu500lima na gåtos
10månot50lima na fulu600gunom na gåtos
11månot na gai hacha54lima na fulu na gai fåtfat700fiti na gåtos
12månot na gai hugua60gunom na fulu800guålo’ na gåtos
13månot na gai tulu65gunom na fulu na gai lima900sigua na gåtos
14månot na gai fatfåt70fiti na fulu1,000chålan
15månot na gai lima76fiti na fulu na gai gunom
Permission to use from Dipåttamenton i Kaohao Guinahan CHamoru. Leblon Numiru, Government of Guam Department of Education, Hagåtña, Guam.

Illustration courtesy of Ron J. Castro.

Numbers for animate [living] objects

Ancient CHamorus/Chamorros had different numbering systems for animate and inanimate objects. The following was adapted and reprinted, with permission from Lawerence J. Cunningham, EdD and JJ Beaty. A History of Guam. Honolulu: Bess Press, 2001.

1maisa8guagualo’30tatu na fulu
2hugua9sasigua40fatfat na fulu
4fatfat11maonot na gai maisa200hugua na gåtos
5lalima12maonot na gai hugua1,000chålan
6guagunom20hugua na fulu2,000hugua na chålan
7fafiti21hugua na fulu na gai maisa10,000maonot na chålan
Illustration courtesy of Ron J. Castro.

Numbers for inanimate objects

1hachiyai8guatguiyai30totguiyai na fulu
2huguiyai9siguiyai40fatfatai na fulu
3totguiyai or togiyai10manutai100gåtos
4fatfatai11manutai na gai hachiyai200huguiyai na gåtos
5limiyai12manutai na gai huguiyai1,000chålan
6gonmiyai20huguiyai na fulu2,000huguiyai na chålan
7fetguyai21huguiyai na fulu na gai hachiyai10,000manutai na chålan

Illustration courtesy of Ron J. Castro.

Contemporary CHamoru numbers

The contemporary CHamoru numbering system does not differentiate between animate and inanimate objects, and has been adapted from the Spanish language.
