Bruce Best
Rubric Chair
Technology, Communications, and Transportation

Bruce Best holds a BA in aquatic biology from the University of California, Santa Barbara and an MS in marine biology from the University of Guam.
Best is the station manager for the Telecommunication and Distance Education Operation (TADEO) at the Center for Continuing Education Outreach Programs at the University of Guam, which is the Micronesian base of Pan- Pacific Education and Communication Experiments by Satellite (PEACESAT).
Through Best and the TADEO staff, the university helps connect more than thirty developed and developing countries by providing telecommunication services in remote areas of the Pacific through the use of appropriate technology. TADEO is UOG’s educational and medical PEACESAT hub for all of Micronesia, providing support for environmental and medical emergencies as well as facilitating distance education. The staff of TADEO educates, trains and supports its many users in Micronesia in the full array of PEACESAT applications and manages point to multi-point teleconferencing to support programs among multiple sites. TADEO also maintains a 400-500 volume Micronesian/ DE/ Telcom/ Telehealth/ Marine biology/ Alternative energy publication library. In addition, they maintain a news and event calendar for Micronesia updated weekly on the Distance Education Micronesia website.
Best has an international reputation for his research efforts related to the use of solar technology for telecommunications and aquaculture in remote areas. Best has lived and worked throughout Micronesia for more than twenty years. His years of practical distance education experience combined with his knowledge of the region and his understanding of how to use appropriate technology as a basis for promoting sustainable development add a rich dimension to the university’s outreach programs.