William J. Maxwell, 1915. Photo from the Library of Congress courtesy of Wikipedia.

Executive General Order issued in 1916. To go back to the list of General Orders click here. Note: there are more Executive General Orders from this time available at the University of Guam’s Richard F. Taitano Micronesian Area Research Center (MARC).

No. 194

13 January 1916

Executive General Order No. 194
It is hereby ordered and decreed that:
1. The following REGULATIONS GOVERNING THE SANITATION OF THE ISLAND OF GUAM shall have the effect of law and all persons violating said REGULATIONS shall be subject to the pains and penalties now provided by law for “INFRACTION OF THE LAW”; or to an executive fine of not less than one dollar ($1.00) or more than five dollars ($5.00) US Currency; or to both.

2. Changes or additions to the following REGULATIONS will be made and published as required and will have the effect of law thirty (30) days after the approval of the Governor.


1. Dwelling houses, which are not equipped with regular sanitary water closets, will be kept furnished with an out house for exclusive use as privy, and no other place on the premises will be used for such purpose. To prevent offensive odors, all deposits must be immediately covered with earth from a box of loose earth kept conveniently near for this purpose. The excreta receptacle must be covered when not in use.

2. All privy receptacles within the boundaries of urban districts will be emptied at least twice a week at the places and times designated by the Department of Health and Charities. In suburban and rural districts, owners or occupants of dwellings will maintain pits not less than four feet deep, into which the contents of receptacles will be emptied and the contents covered with dirt. When a pit is filled to within a foot of the top, it will completely filled and a new pit dug.

3. The legal occupant of every dwelling house, store, storehouse and of all other buildings will provided the premises with one or more receptacles for garbage, sufficient in capacity to contain all garbage accumulating on said premises within the period of forty eight (48) hours. Garbage receptacles should be made, of wood or metal and should be kept covered with a removable cover and so secured as not to permit of being overturned. All such receptacles, for convenience in removing contents, must be kept within the premises and near, but not on the streets.

4. Garbage receptacles for premises within the boundaries of towns will be emptied at such times and places as the Department of Health and charities may designate. In the rural districts, occupants of dwellings will burn all their garbage and bury tin cans in the pits provided for excreta.

5. Every occupant of a dwelling, and the owner of tenant of an unoccupied dwelling, a store, storehouse and of all other building will keep the buildings and grounds in a sanitary condition, free from all garbage and filth of any kind, and will keep all weeds and grass on their premises cut to a length not exceeding six (6) inches.

6. The provisions of this order will take effect on July 1, 1916.

Governor of Guam

To go back to the list of General Orders click here.