Nobenan San Antonion Padua (Novena to Saint Anthony of Padua)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Tinige‘ Påle‘ Roman Maria de Vera Misioneron Kapuchino (1941) | By Father Roman Maria de Vera Capuchin Missionary (1941) |
Nina‘ lamaolek as Påle‘ Eric Forbes (2023) | Translated by Father Eric Forbes (2023) |
Fine’nana na Ha’åne (First Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my heart for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Sen tagåhlo as San Antonio gi Padua, I’inan i Såntos na Iglesian Jesukristo, ni i mina’ måfnas i chathinengge siha; yan Kaohao i På’go Testamento. Na’ taka’ yo’ gine (ginen) i Saina-ta as Yu’us ni hu tåtånga yan hugagagao guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) u nina’ fan ma tuna hamyo yan si Yu’us. Lao yagin (yanggen) åhe’, na’ tunas i ginagao-ho; ya un tåyuyut si Yu’us na u nå’e yo’ ni u nina’ ma tuna gue’, ya u nina’ maolek i anti-ho. Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i man Ånghet ni i pumupulan i taotao siha gi tano’. Hu chuli’e’ hao nu i manunas na fina’tinas ennao siha i manakkilo’ na ånghet, yan lokkue’ i che’cho’ siha i guaiyayon na tentago’-mo as San Antonio. Guiya ma yåyåho na ånghet, sa’ sumen gåsgas gue’ tataotao yan ånte, ya ha na’ suha meggai na taotao gi taiminaktos na inale i tataotao yan i ante i hagululume siha guine gi tano’. Asaina, hu gågao hao na un nå’e yo’ ni ginasgas hinalom, taiguihe i hagas un nå’e si San Antonio; yan lokkue’ i hu tåtånga guine na nobena yagin (yanggen) un nina’ ma tuna hao yan u nina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. Taitai tres Tatan-måme, Ave Maria, Gloria. An måkpo’ ennao, gågao si San Antonio ayo i malago’-mo guine na nobena. Fanaitai diddidi’. | Most exalted Saint Anthony of Padua, Light of the Holy Church of Jesus Christ, who stamped out heresies; and Ark of the New Testament. Obtain for me from our Lord God what I desire and ask for in this novena, if it be for your glory and the glory of God. But, if not, rectify my request; and pray to God that I may be given what will glorify Him and what will benefit my soul. Lord God and Lord of the Angels who watch over the people on earth. I bring to you the righteous acts of those exalted angels, and the works also of your lovable servant Saint Anthony. He is called an Angel, because he is most pure in body and soul, and he removed many people from unending errors of body and soul which surrounded them on earth. Lord, I beseech you that you grant me interior purity, as you once gave Saint Anthony; and also that which I desire in this novena if it be to your glory and the good of my soul. Amen. Pray three times the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be. When that is finished, ask Saint Anthony what you desire in this novena. Pray a little. |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua Iya Lisboa, må’gas na siudå giya Pottugåt nai mafañågo gi 1195 i tagåhlo na Fafa’tinas Milågro as San Antonio. Ma fa’na’an lokkue’ si San Antonio gi Padua, sa’ ayo annai minatåye i tano’ ya finañaguye i langet. I mañaina-ña, matua yan maolek; ya ma nå’ye na’ån-ña as Fernando annai ma takpånge gi guma’yu’us (gima’yu’us) Sånta Maria. Si Fernando, gi man fine’nana na sakån-ña ma li’e’ ni minaolek-ña; ya i fino’ i man åmko’ nai ta tungo’ na i mina’ singko sakån-ña, humånao malak i attat Sånta Maria, ya manhula na ti u na’ hopplat i anti-ña nu håfa na inabale’. I dinikkike’-ña nai mansangan, na manaitai ni tinaitai-ña; ya finatoigue nu i anite, na’ma’a’ñao i anok-ña; ya si Fernando nina’ ma’å’ñao ya dinilalak, sa’ mama’ kilu’us gi acho’. Ya i såntos kilu’us sumåga ha’ chetton guihe kalan mohon ma tuge’ gi hilo’ i manñaña’ na danges. Annai si Fernando kinse åños sakån-ña, i tinakkilon i mañaina-ña yan i maolek na ma chachalane-ña siña nina’ tailaye i anti-ña yagin (yanggen) sumåga gi entalo’ i man ga’ tano’ siha. Sa’ i lina’la’la’ kinalamte-ña, i ginef-ulu-ña, ayo i gina’ umeminagof ni i loloklok gi halom i korason-ña, ume’epok i man acha amko’-ña yan i man atungo’-ña; ya ma sen guaiya yan ma gofli’e’. Lao i manhongge-ña ni i manhåle’ gi hinalom-ña yan i tinas na ma poksai-ña man danña; yan i gråsian långet; ya guiya ma dalalake magof. Ennao na maolek na ånte ni i tai’isao må’gas, ti siña sumåga ma’ok gi tano’ annai meggai siña numa’ tailaye. I anti-ña na malago’ ha geftågue si Yu’us, ti åpmam ha hasuye chumo’gue i u fina’ maolek gue’; ya ti aguyon i hinasuye-ña. Ha guatoigue i Ma’gas i mamåle’ San Agustin gi guma’yu’us (gima’yu’us) San Vicente na umacheton yan san hiyong i siudå iya Lisboa; ya ginagao nu todo i hinalom-ña na u nina’ saonao gi Mamåle’ siha. Ti mama’ pute ma hoye i ginagao-ña; sa’ ha tungo’ i maolek na ma fana’gue-ña yan i taiche’tan na hinanao-ña. Si Fernando ha magågonñaihon gue’ ti åpmam nu i attilong na kåchet i Mamåle’ San Agustin; ya ayo ha’ na ha’ånen i humalom-ña, ha na’miña umosge i Tinago’ ayo na Inetnon taotao annai ma na’ hålom. | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Anthony, the exalted Miracle Worker, was born in 1195 in Lisbon, the capital city of Portugal. He is also called Saint Anthony of Padua because that is where he died to the world and was born unto heaven. His parents were nobles and good; and he was named Ferdinand when he was baptized in the church of Saint Mary. Ferdinand’s goodness was seen in his early years; and by the word of the elders we know that when he was five years old he went to the altar of Holy Mary and vowed that he would not stain his soul with any impurity of any kind. It is said of his childhood that he said his prayers; and the devil came to him, with a fearful appearance; and Ferdinand frightened him and chased him, for he traced the cross on rock. And the holy cross remained fixed there as if it were written on soft wax. When Ferdinand was fifteen years old, the status of his parents and his privileged upbringing could do harm to his soul had he remained among the worldly. For his lively comportment, his intelligence, that love of revelry which stirred in his heart, influenced his peers and acquaintances; and he was greatly loved and cherished. But his faith which was rooted within him and his upright training were joined with heavenly grace; and he was joyfully followed. That good soul free of grave sin could not remain constant in the world where many things could injure him. His soul wanted to be generous to God, and before long he thought of doing what would improve him; and his thoughts were unalterable. He went to the Superior of the Augustinian priests at the church of Saint Vincent which lay on the outskirts of Lisbon; and he asked with all his heart to be admitted among the priests. It was not difficult to acquiesce to his request; for he know his good birth and blameless ways. Ferdinand was clothed not long after with the black habit of the Augustinian priests; and that very day when he entered, he strove to obey the Rule of that community where he was admitted. |
Tinayuyut O Såntos-måme as San Antonio, ni i ma yå’ho na ÅNGHET sa’ i ginasgas i anti-mo! U taiminaktos ma na’ takkilo’-mo yan ma tunå-mo gine (ginen) i man ångheles yan i taotao siha, sa’ un daddalalake i Anghet siha gi ginasgas hinalom-mo, ya nina’e hao as Yu’us nu ennao na masåmai yan sen paopao na bittut-ñiha. Nina’ mamagof i anti-ho nu i tinakkilo’-mo; yan hu tåtåyuyut hao, na un hagu’e yo’ gine (ginen) i Minames-ta as Jesukristo na u sen gåsgas i tataotao yan i hinaso-ko, yagin (yanggen) ha’ hu kekecho’gue maolek ayo siha i u nina’ ma tuna si Yu’us. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ ni hu gågagao hao guine na nobena, ya yagin (yanggen) u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer O Saint Anthony, who was called an Angel on account of the purity of your soul! May your preeminence and praise be unending among the angels and people, because you imitated the angels in your inner purity, and you were given by God that beautiful and most fragrant virtue of theirs. My soul rejoices in your excellence; and I pray to you that you obtain for me from our sweet Jesus Christ that my body and soul be most pure, if I try to do well those things that bring glory to God. Grant me also that which I ask in this novena, if it be for the good of my soul. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 1 and 2)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 1 and 2 are performed on the first, fourth, and seventh days of the nobena.
Second song
Ta Tuna Si San Antonio
Note: “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” and “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” switch everyday. The first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth days of the nobena the second song is “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Mina’ Dos na Ha’åne (The Second Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my hear for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i Man Atkånghet, ni i un tå’guan siha nu i man mahatot na che’cho’ i ma tunå-mo yan i minaolek i taotao siha! Hu chuli’e’ hao på’go na ha’åne ni man tunåyon na fina’tinas ennao siha na man sen tagåhlo na Atkånghet yan lokkue’ siha i che’cho’ i guaiyayon na tentago’-mo as San Antonio. Hågo un ayek yan un po’lo si San Antonio kalan tentågo’ i ma tunå-mo guine gi halom i taotao siha, ya tina’guan nu i minaolek i ti man tufungon na ånte siha. Hu gågågao hao na un nå’e yo’ ni grasiå-mo; ya hu hulat gumef cho’gue i pekå’-ho guine gi ma po’lu-ho gi tano’, taimano ha’ i sinantusan pinto’-mo. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ i sasahnge na gråsia ni i hu tåtånga guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) siña un nina’ ma tuna hao yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. Tres Tatan-måme … | Lord God, Lord of the Archangels, whom you charged with the grave duties of your glory and man’s welfare! I bring you today the praiseworthy acts of those most exalted Archangels and also the works of your beloved Servant Saint Anthony. You chose and placed Saint Anthony as a servant of your glory here among the people, and entrusted him with the good of countless souls. I beseech you to grant me your grace; that I be able to fulfill well my obligations which you have given me here on earth, according to your holy will. Grant me also the special grace which I desire in this novena, if it be for your glory and the good of my soul. Amen. Three Our Fathers… |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua I MAN ÅMKO’ ha såsångan na ayo i sumagå-ña gi konbenton San Agustin, guaha tengnga nai mumimisa gi attat, ya ha li’e’ na maloffan chaddek ya humålom gi langet na ti sumugo’ giya Putgatorio i anten un Påle’ Fransiskåno na ayo ha’ nai måtai. Ti åpmam maloffan, i tutuhon 1220 na såkkan, singko na Mamåle’ Fransiskåno man liheng gi konbenton San Antonio; ya ayo na mamåle’ man tinago’ as San Franciscon Asis na u fan malak Maruekos ya u ha pågatñaihon i Sånto Ebanghelio gi ti mangilisyåno. Lao ma na’ tungo’ na ayo siha i man matatnga na misionero man ma puno’ nu i manaihinengge na moro siha sa’ ha såsångan ya ha pågatñañaihon si Jesukristo. I tataotao i man ma puno’ man ma chule’ guato Pottugåt, annai man ma håfot nu i ma’gas na hinafot. Si Yu’us ha fa’tinas un na’manman na milågro; ya manågo’ na i Mamåle’ San Agustin annai hagas ha’ mansugo’ yan mañåga i man måttit u ha adahe i tataotao-ñiha. Annai ha li’e’ ayo, si Fernando nu todo i hinalom-ña mumalago’ malak guato gi Mañe’lon San Francisco annai guaha manaiguennao na taotao Yu’us yan måttit siha. Ma ekkungok i tinayuyot-ña gi me’nan Yu’us; ya gusse’ ha tulaika i attilong na kåchet i Mamåle’ San Agustin gi kalatton na laniyan San Francisco. Ya ha gågao na u ma ago i na’ån-ña as Fernando gi ANTONIO; sa’ gos ya-ña mina’ hulo’ i Såntos as Antonio Abad ni i Patronon ayo na dikkiki’ na konbento annai sumåga nåya. Ti åpmam maloffan, si Antonio ha na’ hasso i man må’gas i Mañe’lo nu i hagas ginagao-ña na u ma na’ guatuye i man moro siha. Ya ma po’lo na u ma udai gi meddong ni i malak Maruekos, annai hinasosso-ña na u ma puno’ gue’, ya u siña chumule’ i bingan i man måttit. Gigon ha’ måtto gi tano’ Maruekos, nina’ yayas yan nina’ yåfai nu i tumano’-ña yan i tumasi-ña gi ti tano’-ña; ya nina’ye kalentura ni i nina’ gos pute gue’, ya nina’ åsson gue’ guihe na fanmanenghingan. I Såntos ha li’e’ manana guihe i pinto’ Yu’us; ya inesge magogof. Ya ha sungon yan dångkulon siningon-ña i chetnot na nina’en Yu’us nu guiya. Ya annai ti sesen homlo’, tuma’lo tumåse guato giya Pottugåt. Lao sumen napo i tase; ya i langat siha inasa i meddong, ya nina’ hålom guato gi chepchop tåse giya Sisilia, annai ma atocho’cho’ kumahåya; ya lumiheng gi ettego na konbenton i Mamåle’ Fransiskåno iya Mesina. | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua The elders relate that, while he lived in the convent of Saint Augustine, he often said Mass at the altar, and he saw that the soul of a Franciscan priest had just died and went quickly into heaven without going through Purgatory. Not long after, at the beginning of 1220, five Franciscan priests stayed at Saint Anthony’s convent; and those priests were sent by Saint Francis of Assisi to Morocco to preach the Holy Gospel to unbelievers. But he was informed that those brave missionaries were killed by the unbelieving Moors because they proclaimed and preached Jesus Christ. The bodies of those killed were taken over to Portugal, where they were solemnly buried. God performed a remarkable miracle; and commanded that the Augustinian priest with whom they had earlier called on and stayed with would care for the bodies of those martyrs. When he saw this, Ferdinand desired with all his heart to go over to the Franciscan Friars where there were such men of God and martyrs. His prayer before God was heard; and quickly he changed the black habit of the Augustinian priests for the rough garment of Saint Francis. And he asked that his name Ferdinand be changed to Anthony; for he greatly desired to glorify the name of Saint Anthony the Abbot who was the patron of that small convent where he was then staying. Not long afterward, Anthony reminded the superiors of the Friars about his earlier request to be sent to the Moors. And he was put on board a vessel headed for Morocco, where he believed he would be killed, and would be able to acquire the palm of martyrdom. As soon as he arrived in the land of Morocco, he was tired and fatigued by his travels and seafaring in a foreign land; and he caught a fever which pained him so, and they laid down there that winter. The saint saw clearly there the will of God; and he happily obeyed it. And he endured with great forbearance the illness which God had given him. And when he had not entirely recovered, he continued to sail over to Portugal. But the sea had high waves; and the rough seas diverted the ship toward Sicily, where it was compelled to harbor; and he took shelter in the small friary of the Franciscan priests in Messina. |
Tinayuyut O Såntos-måme as San Antonio! Hågo muna’ mamagof yan tumåtåne’ i ante siha yagin (yanggen) ma agånge hao. Mamagof yo’ nu i mina’gås-mo na si Yu’us hao numå’e, taiguihe i mina’gas i Atkånghet siha. Hågo guinaiya yan inayeg as Yu’us tentago’-ña; ya tinago’ nu i Saina-ta na un adingane i taotao siha nu i fino’ långet, un fanånå’gue siha nu i tinas yan magåhet na chachalan Yu’us ni i guiya ha’ na maisa i mangongonne’ guato gi langet. Tayuyute yo’ as Jesukristo i sen mames na Saina-ta; ya un gågao na i ininå-ña utanchue yo’ nu i kalatton na chalan i langet yan i man maolek na pennga’ siha. Yagin (yanggen) ma ina yan ma sohyo i anti-ho, hu hulat sumen osge i ma tago’-ho guine gi tano’, ya hu hago’ i gråsian Yu’us. Na’ taka’ yo’ lokkue’ nu i hu tåtånga guine na nobena yagin (yanggen) u nina’ lamatuna si Yu’us yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer O Saint Anthony! You make happy and alleviate the souls who call on you. I rejoice in your greatness which God has given you, similar to the greatness of the Archangels. You were loved and chosen by God for his servant; and you were sent by our Lord to speak to the people about the word of heaven, you taught them the straight and true way of God which itself alone leads to heaven. Pray for me to Jesus Christ our sweet Lord; and ask that his light show me the difficult way to heaven and the good virtues. If my soul is enlightened and encouraged, I will be able to truly fulfill my mission here on earth, and obtain the grace of God. Obtain for me also what I desire in this novena if it be for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 3 and 4)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 3 and 4 are performed on the second, fifth, and eighth days of the nobena.
Second song
Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’
Note: “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” and “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” switch everyday. The second, fourth, sixth, and eighth days of the nobena the second song is “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Mina’ Tres na Ha’åne (The Third Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my hear for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i Man Må’gas siha na Ånghet ni umadadahe i fina’ maoliken i taotao siha, man mamanånå’gue, man mani’ina yan man manånågo’. Hu chuli’e’ hao på’go na ha’åne nu i manakkalom yan man sen maolek na fina’tinas ennao siha i manakkilo’ na Ånghet; yan lokkue’ i che’cho’ siha San Antonio gi Padua ni i mina’ fan manungo’ yan ha na’ fan mañotsot meggai na mañåguat, mamanånå’gue, mañosohyo yan manånågo’. Hu tåtåyuyut hao na un nå’e yo’ nu i yinedahen San Antonio nu i iyon i Såntos na Na’ån-mo, ya hu chalapune i tano’ nu i ma tunå-mo. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ ni hu tåtånga yan hu gågågao guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) un nina’ latakkilo’ hao yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. Tres Tatan-måme … | Lord God, Lord of the Angelic Principalities who watch over the betterment of the people, who teach, enlighten and command. I bring to you today the devout and excellent deeds of those exalted angels; and also the works of Saint Anthony of Padia who taught and converted many of the insolent, teaching, heartening and directing them. I pray to you that you grant me the care which Saint Anthony had for your Holy Name, and spread your praise throughout the world. Grant me also what I desire and request in this novena, if it be for your greater glory and the good of my soul. Amen. Three Our Fathers… |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua Måtto i ha’åne, ya ayo na kåndet Yu’us u ma po’lo gi annai siña ma li’e’, ya u fanina gi tano’. Ekkungok håftaimano finanu’en Yu’us nu i taotao siha as San Antonio. I mit dos sientos bente i dos na såkkan, meggai na mamåle’ Fransiskåno yan Dominiko man måtto giya Farli. Man etnon siha ya ma na’ adingan nu håfa na sinantusan. Lao ha na’ fan humitde siha i mamåle’ Sånto Domingo, ya ti man malago’ man huyong gi me’nan i pumalon mamåle’. Ayo nai i må’gas i mamåle’ San Francisco, hungguan ineppok yan inina as Yu’us, ha fåna’ si San Antonio ni i gina’chongñaihon, ya tinago’ na guiya u adingan. Ha osge i Sånto; ya ha sångan ayo i nina’ ma sångan as Yu’us Espiritu Sånto. I tutuhon-ña i fino’ San Pablo: “I Kristo umosgon asta i finatai, i finatai gi kilu’us.” Ha po’lo si Jesukristo kalan i magåhet na dinalalaken i mamåle’, yan faneyag i taotao siha ni i lumachai dumingo yan ha yute’ i tano’ yan i guinaha-ña siha. I umadingan-ña, kalan ñating yan matulalaihon gi tutuhon-ña lao gusse’ ha na’ la’oppan; ya meggai ilek-ña na kalan sisongge. I man manekkungok nina’ fan manman nu i sinangån-ña; ya pine’lon-ñiha na ha huhungok kalan fino’ Profeta. Ti ma tungo’ håfa nina’ fan manman kao i ginefli’e’-ña pat i dangkulo na hinimitde-ña. Ma sangåne si San Francisco nu i minalåte’ yan i na’manman na tiningo’ San Antonio; ya guiya ni i malago’ na i mamåle’ u fan gaitiningo ya u fan siña man mamanånå’gue ni chachalan Yu’us, ha hasuye na inayek si San Antonio Ma’estron i Mamåle’. Ma na’ få’pos Montpellier; ya guihe na songsong finalofanguan nu i fina’pos-ña na kalan i tutuhon i ma agången San Antonio yagin (yanggen) guaha håfa na malingo. Annai ha tutuge’ i MA PULA’ I TININA SIHA (Såtmo), i sasahnge na maolek tinige’-ña; un på’go hinalom na relihioso ha chenggle (chengle) ayo na tinige’, sa’ gos ya-ña tumaitai; ya nina’ falågo. I Såntos na Fafanå’gue nina’ pinite nu i malingu-ña; ya må’pos manåyuyut. Ayo ha’ nai i chumenggle (chumengle) ma na’ såga gi hinanao-ña. Gigon ha’ ha keke’upos i saddok ha li’e’ un na’ ma’a’ñao na fafa’ñague ni i mañuñule’ gachai gi kanai-ña; ya umågang yan hinahanhan, ilek-ña: Si Yu’us ni i fuma’tinas i langet yan i tano’ un hasso; ya un na’ na’lo i chinenggle-mo (chinengle-mo), yagin (yanggen) ti malago’ hao na un lotgun gi saddok.” Nina’ mahngang i på’go hinalom. Tuma’lo guato gi fanpale’an. Ha konfesatñaihon i sinake-ña; ya ha gågao asi’e’ nina’ gos tanges. Si San Antonio nina’e gue’ ta’lo ni magågon relihioso; ya ginefli’e’ taiguihe ha’ nåya. | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua The day came when that light of God would be placed where he could be seen, and would light up the world. Listen to how God would show Saint Anthony to the world. In the year 1222, many Franciscan and Dominican priests came to Farli. They gathered and spoke about holy things. But the Dominican priests humbled themselves and didn’t want to appear before the other priests. That is why the superior of the Franciscan priests, apparently inspired and enlightened by God, faced Saint Anthony whom he accompanied, and ordered him to speak. The saint obeyed; and spoke that which God the Holy Spirit prompted him to speak. He began with the words of Saint Paul: “Christ obeyed until death, death on a cross.” He proposed Jesus Christ as the true model of priests, and the choice of those who totally leave and abandon the world and its treasures. The beginning of his speech was seemingly slow and faltering, but he quickly made it resound; and much of what he said was as if it was enflamed. Those who listened were astounded by what he said; and they thought they were listening to the words of a prophet. They didn’t know whether they marveled at his love or at his great humility. They told Saint Francis about the intelligence and wondrous knowledge of Saint Anthony; and he, who wanted that priests should be knowledgeable and be able to teach the way to God, considered that Saint Anthony was chosen to be the teacher of priests. He left for Montpellier; and in that city the incident passed in which began the invocation of Saint Anthony when something is lost. When he was writing the EXPLANATION OF THE PSALMS, his exceptionally good book; a novice religious took that book, for he loved to read; and he ran off. The Holy Teacher was in sorrow over his loss; and he went to pray. The thief was stopped in his tracks. When he tried to pass a river he saw a terrifying figure who carried an axe in his hand; and he called out threateningly, saying: Remember the God who made heaven and earth; and return what you stole, if you do not want to be thrown into the river.” The novice was stunned. He went back to the convent. He confessed his theft; and he tearfully begged for mercy. Saint Anthony gave back to him the religious habit; and loved him the same as before. |
Tinayuyut O manguaiya yan ma guaiya na San Antonio gi Padua, ni i ume’ekonne’ taotao siha guato as Yu’us man gina’om ni i guaiyayon na finiho (finiho’) ni i un falaknos gi såntos na korason-mo! Mamagof yo’ nu i mañasahnge na nina’e yan fina’ maolek Yu’us nu i anti-mo, sa’ nina’ taiguihe hao i Man Må’gas siha na Ånghet. Hågo lasesso mamanånå’gue ya un na’ fan malåte’ i man gaimina’gas siha yan i manai-mina’gas na mañåchang gi tano’ nu i man nina’manman nu i milagru-mo siha yan linangitan na sinangan. Na’ taka’ yo’ gi Todo ha’ ha na’ siña na Yu’us nu i manana na inina: ya ennao u na’ tungo’ yo’ ni takkalom na minalago’-ña; ya hu siña chumachalålåne i taotao siha guato gi langet. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ ni hu gågågao guine gi nuebe na ha’åne, yagin (yanggen) siña u nina’ lamatuna si Yu’us, ya u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer O loving and beloved Saint Anthony of Padua, who sought to bring the people to God persuaded by the lovable words which you brought forth from your holy heart! I rejoice in the special gifts and benefits God gave your soul, for he made you like unto the Angelic Principalities. You frequently taught and made wise the powerful and powerless commoners of the land through your wonderful miracles and heavenly discourse. Obtain the lucid light for me from the all-powerful God: and that will show me his deepest will; and I will be able to lead the people to heaven. Grant me also what I request in this novena this day, if it be for the greater glory of God, and the good of my soul. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 5, 6, and 7)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 5, 6, and 7 are performed on the third, sixth, and ninth days of the nobena.
Second song
Ta Tuna Si San Antonio
Note: “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” and “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” switch everyday. The first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth days of the nobena the second song is “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Mina’ Kuåttro na Ha’åne (The Fourth Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my hear for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i Man Gaisisiña na Ånghet siha ni i man nina’e hinilat nai u ha chomma’ siha i manganite. Hu chuli’e’ hao på’go na ha’åne nu i man na’manman na fina’tinas ennao siha i man manhulat na man ånghet, yan lokkue’ i che’cho’ siha i såntos na tentago’-mo as Antonion Padua. Guiya nina’e ni sasahnge na nina’siñan mamugao manganite gi tataotao yan i ante siha. Hu tåtåyuyut hao na un na’ gaihinilat yan gråsia yo’; ya hu siña chumomma’ i tinigong i manganite nu guåho. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ ni hu gågao guine gi nuebe na ha’åne, yagin (yanggen) ennao un nina’ lamatungo’ si Yu’us yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taeguennao mohon. Tres Tatan-måme … | Lord God, Lord of the Angelic Virtues who were endowed with power to repel demons. I bring to you today the wondrous acts of those conquering angels, and also the works of your holy servant Anthony of Padua. He was given the special power to drive out demons from bodies and souls. I pray to you that you grant me power and grace; that I be able to counter the attacks of the demons on me. Grant me also what I ask for in these nine days, if they make you, God, more known and if it be for the good of my soul. Amen. Three Our Fathers… |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua Ma na’ hånao si San Antonio guato giya Pui-en-Belai, annai meggai che’cho’-ña na man na’manman. Hu pula’ uno giya siha: “Sumåsaga guihe un notario ni i sen tailaye na taotao. Yagin (yanggen) tinaggam as San Antonio, tinekukune gue’ bula rinespeta. Lao nina’ gos bubo i notario; sa’ pine’loña na chinachatge. Ya annai umafåna’, ilek-ña nu guiya: Håfa mina’ un estatane yo? Yagin (yanggen) ti hu ma’añågue si Yu’us, hu na’ adotgan giya hågo i espadå-ho. Manoppe si San Antonio, ya ilek-ña: Che’lu-ho, nina’ layo’ yo’ ni minaolek-mo. Guåho ginen hu gågao si Yu’us na hu måttit yo’: lao ha pune yo’ nu ennao na gråsia. På’go ha na’ tungo’ yo’ si Yu’us na hågo nina’e nu i Saina-ta nu ennao na gråsia; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao na yagin (yanggen) måtto i finatai-mo, un hahasso i hagas hao hu sangåne. Ennao i fino’ San Antonio ma kumple ti åpmam.” Iya Arles annai ha pupula’ mamames i tinige’ gi kilu’us i Saina-ta: “Jesus Nasareno, rai i hudios siha”, didok na minagof na tåt nai ma chage ha na’ bula i hinalom i man mane’ekkungok. Ti siña ma pune na guaha maloloffan håfa na yini’usan. Ya magåhet ha’ na taiguennao. Si San Franciscon Asis måtai yan humåhånao gi langet, ya ha hainge si San Antonio, ya ha na’ mames bumendise gi na’an Yu’us i famagu’on-ña siha ni uttimo na bendision-ña: ya ha tutuna i setmon i sen måhñgok yan ma guaiya na lahi-ña as San Antonio. I man gaige guma’yu’us tåya’ lumi’e’ si San Francisco, na si Frai Monaldo ha’ ni i lumi’e’ i Serafin Asis annai man hiniyongge. Iya Limoges, i ha’ånen Huebes Sånto, annai ha tutuhon i setmon, ha hasso na tinago’ gue’ na u fangånta gi koro gi Må’gas na Misa ni gigigo ha’ ma fa’titinas gi Konbento, lao maleffa ya ti mangågao påle’ ni u hiniyongge. Nina’ gos pinite ni linachi-ña, kalan ti kalalamten yan mamatkikilo laapmam. Nina’ fan sen manman i umekkungok gue’. Håfa maloffan guihe? Si San Antonio chumagaige gi putpiton Limoges yan i konbento-ña, annai ha chocho’gue i matago’-ña gi entalo’ i Mañe’lu-ña. Gi fanpale’an Soliñak, ha na’ sasahnge apas-ña nu i mamåle’ benediktino, sa’ ma na’ såga giya siha. Gagaige gi fanpale’an un na’ma’ase’ na relihioso ni i sinasapet nu i anite yan i manabale’ na hinasso, ya ti siña nina’ måhgong ha’åne yan puenge. Ha sangåne i Fafa’tinas milågro siha as San Antonio håfa ha fa’poposgue; ya nina’ magågo nu i kåchet i Såntos. Guihe na magågo na nina’ såntos ni i umachett’on yan i taiche’tan na tataotao San Antonio, humuyong ninasiña na sen na’manman; ya nina’ måpao i echong na ineggeng i sensen ayo na relihioso, ya nina’ libre pot milågro guihe na tentasion. I relihioso dumimo påpa’ gi me’nan San Antonio, ya nina’e gue’ ma’åse’. | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Anthony was sent to Puy-en-Bellay, where did many amazing works. I will explain one of them: “There lived there a most evil notary. If he met Saint Anthony, he was bowed to with great respect. But the notary was enraged; because he thought he was being mocked. And when they faced each other, he said to him: Why are you ridiculing me? If I didn’t fear God, I’d pierce you with my sword. Saint Anthony replied, and said: My brother, I am envious of your goodness. I have asked God that I be a martyr: but he has denied me that grace. Now God has made me know that you have been given by our Lord that grace; and I pray you to remember what I once told you when your death comes. That word of Saint Anthony did not take long to come about.” In Arles, where he sweetly explained the writing on the cross of our Lord: “Jesus of Nazareth, king of the Jews,” a profound joy filled the hearts of the listeners which they never experienced before. It cannot be denied that something divine occurred. And so it was. Saint Francis of Assisi died and was going to heaven, and he appeared to Saint Anthony, and he sweetly blessed in the name of God his children with his last blessing: and he was praising the preaching of his famous and beloved son Saint Anthony. No one in the church saw Saint Francis, except only for Brother Monaldo who saw the Seraph of Assisi when he appeared. In Limoges, on the day of Holy Thursday, when he began the sermon, he recalled that he was told to sing with the choir at the High Mass which was done at that same time in the friary, but he forgot about it and did not ask for a priest to replace him. He greatly regretted his mistake, and stood still and was silent for a while. Those listening to him were greatly amazed. What was happening there? Saint Anthony was in the pulpit of Limoges and in his friary at the same time when he was fulfilling his duties among his brethren. In the convent of Solignac, he put aside his payment for the Benedictine priests, for he was staying with them. In the convent was a pitiful religious who suffered under the demons with impure thoughts, and he could not be at peace day or night. He told the Miracle Worker Saint Anthony what was happening to him; and he was clothed with the clothing of the saint. That clothing which was made holy through its contact with the pure body of Saint Anthony brought forth awesome power; and the disordered lure of the flesh was calmed down in that religious, and he was miraculously freed from that temptation. The religious knelt before Saint Anthony, and gave him thanks. |
Tinayuyut O ma gofli’e’ na Såntos as San Antonion Padua! Hågo nina’ gaisisiña as Yu’us taiguihe i Inetnon ennao siha i angheles ni i man ma fa’nana’an i Man Gaisisiña. Hågo sumasågue i taotao siha ni i fumalalåggue yan umaagågånge hao, un na’ fan såsåfo (såsåfo’) siha gi manailaye na sini’ok yan i ginadde i manganite. Gagaogue yo’ nu i mames as Jesus, na u na’ metgot i anti-ho; ya hu å’å’ñao i manganite; ya hu chomma’ i chattinigong-ñiha nu i anti-ho. Goggue yo’ på’go gi chine’tan-ho yan gi finatai-ho. Na’ hago’ yo’ lokkue’ nu i hu tåtånga yan hu gågågao guine gi nuebe na ha’åne, yagin (yanggen) ennao u nina’ lamatuna si Yu’us yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer O beloved Saint Anthony of Padua! You were given power by God like that of the group of angels called the Angelic Virtues. You assist those who run to you and call on you, you save them from the wicked lures and traps of the demons. Ask for me from the sweet Jesus, that he strengthen my soul; that I may defeat the demons; and repel his evil attacks on my soul. Defend me now in my weakness and at my death. Obtain for me also that which I desire and ask for in these nine days, if it be for the greater glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 1 and 2)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 1 and 2 are performed on the first, fourth, and seventh days of the nobena.
Second song
Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’
Note: “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” and “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” switch everyday. The second, fourth, sixth, and eighth days of the nobena the second song is “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Mina’ Singko na Ha’åne (The Fifth Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my hear for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i Man Gaihinilat na Ånghet siha, ni i chumocho’gue man sen na’manman na milågro, na hågo ha’ na maisa siña chumogue. Hu ato’ mågi på’go na ha’åne i man maolek na fina’tinas ennao siha na Ångheles, yan ayu siha i man na’manman na che’cho’ i såntos na tentago’-mo as San Antonion Padua, ni i nina’ hulat mama’tinas milågro siha taiguihe ha’ ennao siha na Ånghet yan taiguihe i hagas fina’tinas-ñiñiha i dosse na Apostoles, annai ha tutuhune pumågatñaihon i Fino’ Jesukristo gi hilo’ tåno’. Hu tåtåyuyut hao na un na’ guaiya yo’ ni ti ma tungo’ na bida yan i hinimitden i korason, taiguihe as San Antonio ni i uma’atok gi me’nan i taotao siha, ya tåya’ ha tåtånga gi man na’manman na milågro siha ni i man huhuyong gi kanai-ña na i u ma tuna i Tunåyon yan Såntos na Na’ån-mo. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ ni hu gågågao hao guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) i ginagao-ho siña u nina’ lamatuna i Såntos na Na’ån-mo yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. Tres Tatan-måme … | Lord God, Lord of the Angelic Powers, who work wondrous miracles, which you alone can do. I offer you here today the good acts of those angels, and those marvelous works of your holy servant Saint Anthony of Padua, who was able to perform miracles like those of those angels and like those done before by the Twelve Apostles, when they began to preach the Word of Jesus Christ to the world. I pray to you that you make me love the hidden life and humility of heart, as did Saint Anthony who hid before the crowd, and who never desired nothing from the wondrous miracles which came from his hand other than the glory of your praiseworthy and holy Name. Grant me also what I ask in this novena, if my requests are for the greater glory of your holy Name and the benefit of my soul. Amen. Three Our Fathers… |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua Si San Antonio ha layåyåggue i man hulon na songsong giya Italia; ya ayo nai ha chage sumåga giya Padua. Guihe, taimano i tinige’ i palo siha na man malåte’; nina’ tungo’ as Yu’us na si tatå-ña ma fa’aila’ yan ma faiseknåni na mamuno’ på’go låhe. Si San Antonio humålom ya manaitai gi sagå-ña. Ya gussese’ ha’ kinnene’ nu i man ånghet guato Lisboa, annai gaige si tatå-ña. Ha na’ lå’la’ i ma puno’ na låhe, ya ha na’ ma sångan ni minagåhet: na ti i tatan San Antonio i pumuno’. Ayo nai ma na’ såfo (såfo’) si tatå-ña, ya ma na’ ma’lak i maolek na ma sangån-ña yan i inenran i man achihet San Antonio. Ti åpmam tuma’lo guato Asis; ya må’pos Roma annai umadingan ni Fino’ Yu’us gi me’nan i Sånto Påpa as Gregorio i mina’ nuebe, ni i nina’ gos manman nu i meggai na tiningo’ San Antonio gi chachalan i minaolek yan i minalate’-ña gi Såntos na Tinige’; ya fina’na’an “Kaohao i Testamento.” Annai ha fa’posgue iya Florensia, ha hoye sumetmon gi me’nan un mespe na låhe ni i på’go måtai. Annai ha pupula’ ayo na Fino’ Yu’us: “Guihe annai gaige i guinahan-miyo gaige lokkue’ i korason-miyo”, ha na’ måktos diddidi’ umadingan. Nina’ tungo’ as Yu’us na i anten i matai mohon ma yoggua giya sasalåguan, sa’ i mampos na ga’ salape’-ña yan meggai na usura. Ya annai humåhnanao umadingan ha na’ fehman i inagång-ña, ya ilek-ña: “Måtai ennao na riko ya ma håfot giya sasalåguan. Hånao en fan hånao; ya en baba i kaohao annai ma sine i salape’-ña; ya guihe en hentan i korason-ña”. Nina’ fan luhan yan nina’ fan manman i atungo’ yan i achihet i matai; lao man hånao guato gi gimå’-ña; ya i atadok-ñiha ha’ nai ha li’e’ i minagåhet i sinangan i Sånto. I korason i lahe, bobongbong ha’ guihe gi entalo’ i salåppe’. Annai mamågat gi ti man tufungon na songsong, sumen saga giya Padua ni i sasahnge guinaiya-ña kalang i sen tano’-ña. Annai måtto i Kuaresma, ha sesuye sumetmon; lao linalachai nu i binåya. I anite nina’ lalayo’ nu i minaolek na fina’tinas San Antonio; ya ha tutuhon kinepuno’. Un puenge hiniyongge na a’anok i matå-ña, ya tinigong yan ha kekeñaka’. Ayo nai si San Antonio umågang a’gang si Sånta Maria ni i manhulatña ke i inetnon i sendålo siha, ya sinangåne nu ayo i gos ya-ña na Linalai: O Gloriosa Domina: O ma tuna na Saina. Lao gigon ha’ ha lalai ennao siha na finiho (finiho’), sinihåye nu i anite ni i malågo gi me’nan i tai’inasgon na Bithen taiguihe i hinemhom malålågo gi me’nan i manana. Si Maria ha na’ tungo’ si San Antonio na sumisiha guihe gi fi’on-ña, sa’ inina i hinalom-ña nu i mina’lak i langet. Meggai na na’manman tumatittiye ennao ya man ladangkulo yan man lana’manman. | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua Saint Anthony sailed for the principal cities of Italy; and that is when he experienced staying in Padua. There, as is written by the other wise men; he was informed by God that his father was accused and maligned of having killed an adolescent. Saint Anthony entered his room and prayed. And he was quickly taken by the angels over to Lisbon, where his father was. He raised to life the killed man, and made him tell the truth: that it was not Saint Anthony’s father who killed him. That is how his father was saved, and his good reputation shone forth and the honor of Saint Anthony’s relatives. Not long later he returned to Assisi; and went to Rome where he spoke the Word of God before the Holy Father Pope Gregory IX, who was overwhelmed by the great knowledge of Saint Anthony in the way of righteousness and his intelligence concerning the Holy Scriptures; and was called “the Ark of the Testament.” When he left for Florence, he consented to preach before a wealthy man who just died. When he explained that Word of God: “There where your treasure is there also is your heart,” he cut short a bit his speaking. He was informed by God that the soul of the deceased was to be condemned to hell, due to his excessive love of money and his much usury. And when he continued to speak he intensified his volume, and said: “That rich man died and was buried in hell. Depart and go; and open the box where his money was stored; and there you will discover his heart.” The acquaintances and relatives of the dead man were frightened and astounded; but they went there to his house; and with their own eyes saw the truth of the saint’s words. The heart of the man was beating there in the midst of the money. When he exhorted in countless cities, he fixed his abode in Padua with a special love as if it were his own land. When Lent arrived, he frequently preached; but he was wasted away with the dropsy. The devil was jealous of the good works of Saint Anthony; and he began to try to kill him. One night it happened that his face was revealed, and he attacked and tried to hang him. That is why Saint Anthony called out loudly to Holy Mary who is stronger than a squadron of soldiers, and he spoke to her that most favorite of hymns: O Gloriosa Domina: O Glorious Lady. But the moment he sang those words, he was left alone by the devil who fled before the spotless Virgin the way darkness scatters before the light. Mary made known to Saint Anthony that she was with him by his side, because his interior was filled with the brightness of heaven. Many wonders followed that which were greater and more majestic. |
Tinayuyut O na’manman yan manhulat na Såntos as Antonio de Padua i Mama’titinas milågro siha! Magåhet na tunåyon yan na’manman hao guihe annai oppan i nina’siñå-mo mama’tinas milågro siha, ya ma na’ annok giya hågo ayo i mañasahnge na fina’maolek Yu’us nu hågo. Nina’mamagof yo’ nu ennao na tinakkilo’-mo na finatpaen (finatpai) Yu’us nu i anti-mo, taiguihe ha’ i sisiñan i Man Gaihinilat na Ånghet siha. Hu tåtåyuyut hao na un na’ humitde yo’ gi che’cho’-ho siha ni i hu chocho’gue gi ma tunan Yu’us: sa’ ennao ha’ tinakpapan hinalom-ho kalan magåhet yan na’manman na milågro giya guåho. Goggue yo’ lokkue’ på’go gi chine’tan-ho yan ta’lo gi finatai-ho. Na’ hago’ yo’ gi Saina-ta as Yu’us ni i hu tåtånga na gråsia guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) un nina’ lamatuna hao yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer O wonderful and triumphant Saint Anthony of Padua the Miracle Maker! Truly you are praiseworthy and wonderful when your power to perform miracles was manifest, and when God’s special graces to you were revealed. I rejoice in the favor of God to your soul in exalting you similar to the power of the Angelic Powers. I pray to you that you humble me in my works which I do for the glory of God: for that is the lowliness of my soul as miracles were true and wonderful in you. Defend me also now in my weakness and again at my death. Obtain for me from our Lord God the grace I desire in this novena, if it be for your greater glory and the good of my soul. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 3 and 4)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 3 and 4 are performed on the second, fifth, and eighth days of the nobena.
Second song
Ta Tuna Si San Antonio
Note: “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” and “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” switch everyday. The first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth days of the nobena the second song is “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Mina’ Sais na Ha’åne (The Sixth Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my hear for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i Man mangogo’he na Ånghet ni i gumogo’he i pumalo siha na ånghet ni i chumocho’gue i pinto’ Yu’us gi taotao siha; ya siha man gine’hilulu’e nu hågo, ya ha o’osge hao nu håfa i malago’-mo gi langet yan i tano’. Hu chuli’e’ hao på’go na ha’åne nu i man maolek na fina’tinas ennao siha na Ånghet, yan ayo siha na cho’cho’ i tentago’-mo as San Antonio ni umo’osge ha’ i man ma’gås-ña achok ha’ ha tungo’ na meggai giya siha ti mañilong yan i takkilo’ na sinantos-ña; man ine’esge ha’ sa’ iya siha nai linili’e’ hao ni i muna’ fan gaimina’gas. Hu tåtåyuyut hao na un na’ sen osgon yo’, taiguihe as San Antonio; ya hu osge ha’ måno ha’ i tinago’ yan i pinagat i man ma’gås-ho. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ guine na nobena ni hu gågågao hao, yagin (yanggen) un nina’ lamatuna hao yan u nina’ lasåntos i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. Tres Tatan-måme … | Lord God, Lord of the Angelic Dominions which govern the other angels who do the will of God among the people; and they are presided over by you, and they obey whatever you will in heaven and on earth. I bring to you today the good acts of those angels, and those works of your servant Saint Anthony who obeyed their authority although he knew that many of them did not equal his high holiness; he obeyed them and saw in them you who gave them authority. I pray to you that you make me obedient, as was Saint Anthony; and I will obey whatever is my superior’s order and counsel. Grant me also what I ask of you in this novena, if it be for your greater glory and the greater holiness of my soul. Amen. Three Our Fathers… |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua Guaha un gef ilo yan såguat na erehe ni achok ha’ pinagat yan sinehyo as San Antonio, ti ha hohongge na si Jesukristo sumåsaga gi Sakrameton i attat gi papa’ i hechuran pån yan bino. I anten kilisyåno ni i humitde yan hengge, manhohongge nu i Fino’ Yu’us ni i sinangån-ña. Lao ayo na erehe ti ginaga’om nu i Ilek Yu’us; ya malago’ na u nina’ li’e’ nu i Sakramento. I Såntos ha ma asi’e’ i taihinengge yan mahettok na korason-ña; ya ilek-ña nu i lahe: “Yagin (yanggen) i ga’-mo kabåyo ha adora si Jesukristo ni i gaige gi Såntos na Ostia gi papa’ i hechuran pån, un hongge lokkue’ i minagåhet i Sinantusan Sakramento, taiguihe i finanå’guen i Sånta Iglesia?” I erehe, nina’ malago’ nu ayo na finaisen San Antonio; ya pine’loña na ti u inadora nu i ga’-ña kabåyo. Ennao mina’ ineppe: “Bai mungnga yo’ muna’ chocho i ga’-ho kabåyo dos ha’åne, ya i mina’ tres u konne’ guato gi plåsa gi me’nan i linahyan; ya i fi’on-ña annai esta ñålang bai hu po’luye na’-ña ni i ya-ña, ya i otro bånda hågo yan i Ostia na ilek-mo na gaige i Tataotao Jesukristo. Yagin (yanggen) i kabåyo ti u kånno’ i na’-ña, ya dumimo påpa’ gi me’nan i Ostia, bai hu sånganñaihon nu todo i hinalom-ho i minagåhet i Sakramento.” Si San Antonio ha hoye i kinassen i erehe. Lao nina’ tungo’ lokkue’ na yagin (yanggen) i kabåyo ti dumimo gi me’nan i Såntos na Ostia, tåya’ guaha; sa’ ennao u kekesangan na ti dikno gue’ na u finanu’e nu ennao na sasahnge na nina’manman Yu’us. Taiguihe i umatungon-ñiha (umatungo’-ñiha), ti ma na’ chocho i kabåyo ni håfa na nengkano’ gi dos ha’åne. Ya i mina’ tres ma konne’ guato gi chalan gi me’nan i lahyan; i fi’on-ña ma na li’e’ nu i gos ya-ña na nengkano’, ya guihe ha’ si San Antonio finanunu’e nu i Sahguan i Såntos na Ostia annai gaige si Jesukristo. I me’nan i linahyan taotao ni i man mana’atan guihe, i kabåyo ha dingo i na’-ña, ha ekahåte mamokkat guato gi adoråyon na Ostia; ya annai måtto gi fi’on San Antonio, ha na’ dimo i temo’-ña, ya dumimo påpa’. Ya ti kahulo’ asta ke i Fafa’tinas milågro inalof na u kahulo’. Annai i erehe ha li’e’ i na’manman na milågro, ha hongge na lache gue’. | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua There was a very bright and insolent heretic who, though advised and encouraged by Saint Anthony, did not believe that Jesus Christ dwelt in the Sacrament of the Altar under the appearance of bread and wine. The Christian soul who is humble and believing believes in the Word of God which is said to him. But that heretic was not persuaded by the Word of God; and he wanted the Sacrament to be proven to him. The saint had pity on his faithless and hardened heart; and said to the man: “If your horse adores Jesus Christ who is in the Sacred Host under the appearance of bread, will you also believe the Most Holy Sacrament, as Holy Church teaches?” The heretic was enticed by that question of Saint Anthony. So he answered: “I will not feed my horse for two days, and on the third day I will bring it to the square before the people; and on its side when it is already hungry I will place the food which he likes, and on the other side you and the Host which you say the Body of Christ is. If the horse will not eat its food, and kneels before the Host, I will declare with all my soul the truth of the Sacrament.” Saint Anthony indulged the mockery of the heretic. But he also let him know that if the horse did not kneel before the Sacred Host, it meant nothing; except that it he was not worthy to be shown that special wonder by God. According to their agreement, he did not feed his horse anything for two days. And on the third day he took it on the road before the crowd; on its side he was shown the food that he liked, and there also Saint Anthony showed it the monstrance of the Sacred Host where Jesus Christ was. Before the crowd of people who were watching there, the horse left its food, walked gently towards the adorable Host; and when it got to the side of Saint Anthony, it bent its knee and knelt down. And it didn’t rise until the Miracle Worker signaled it to rise. When the heretic saw the amazing miracle, he was convinced he had been wrong. |
Tinayuyut Sen tagåhlo na Såntos as San Antonio de Padua! Hågo, taiguihe i Man mangogo’he na Ånghet un gogo’he i anten i taotao siha. Nina’ mamagof yo’ yagin (yanggen) hu li’e’ i mina’gås-mo yan i tinakkilo’-mo, annai ma guaiya yan ma gef atan hao nu i taotao siha yan i Saina-ta as Jesukristo. Malago’ yo’ lokkue’ hu fanina gi hilo’ i teguång-ho (tiguång-ho) mangilisyåno, ya hu konne’ siha gi maolek na chålan, annai u ha gofli’e’ si Yu’us yan si Sånta Maria i minames, ninangga yan lina’lå’-ta. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ ni hu gågågao si Yu’us guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) u nina’ lamatuna si Yu’us gi entalo’ i taotao siha, ya u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer Most exalted Saint Anthony of Padua! You govern the souls of the people, as do the Angelic Dominions. I rejoice when I see your greatness and exaltation, when you are loved and beheld by the people and our Lord Jesus Christ. I also want to radiate above my Christian companions, and take them along the good road, where they will love God and Holy Mary our sweetness, hope and life. Grant me also what I am asking from God in this novena, if it be that God will be more glorified among the people, and my soul will benefit. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 5, 6, and 7)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 5, 6, and 7 are performed on the third, sixth, and ninth days of the nobena.
Second song
Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’
Note: “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” and “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” switch everyday. The second, fourth, sixth, and eighth days of the nobena the second song is “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Mina’ Siette na Ha’åne (The Seventh Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my hear for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i Ta’chong siha na man ånghet, annai matåtå’chong hao kalan sen man ma’lak na Fata’chong-mo. Hu chuli’e’ hao på’go na ha’åne ni man maolek na fina’tinas ennao siha na man gefsaga na Ångheles, yan lokkue’ i man na’manman na cho’cho’ i tentago’-mo as San Antonio gi Padua, ni i finatå’chong i grasiå-mo. Guiya, annai ha chomma’ yan ha punen maisa gue’, ha puno’ gi korason-ña i manaiguailaye na guinahan tåno’, ya ha na’ hinatme gue’ nu hågo ha’ na maisa. Hu tåtåyuyut hao na un na’ ingen yo’ ni i guinahan tåno’ ni i ti muna’ hahago’ yo’ ni rainon i langet. Ya an monhåyan hu fa’tinas ennao, hågo ha’ na maisa un na’ iyo-mo yo’. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ ni hu gågao hao guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) u nina’ lamatuna hao yan siña u nina’ lamaolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. Tres Tatan-måme … | Lord God, Lord of the Angelic Thrones, where you are seated as if on a brilliant throne. I bring to you today the good acts of those happy angels, and also the wondrous deeds of your servant Saint Anthony of Padua, who is the seat of your grace. He who, when he restrained and mortified himself, he purged from his heart the useless treasures of the world, and filled himself with you alone. I pray to you that you make me detest the wealth of the world which will not obtain the kingdom of heaven for me. And after doing that, make me entirely yours. Grant me also what I ask in this novena, if it be for your greater glory and may benefit my soul. Amen. Three Our Fathers… |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua Guaha na man erehe gi fi’on Padua, ni i uma’adda’ i inadingan San Antonio. Un ha’åne i Såntos manaitai dididi: ya må’pos gi saddok ni i lumiliko gi hihot i songsong; ya annai ha na’ a’gang i inagång-ña na siña u ges ma hungok nu i linahyan taotao, ilek-ña nu ayo siha na erehe: “Hamyo ti man malago’ en ekkungok i Fino’ Yu’us. Guåho bai hu adingane i guihan siha; ya en nina’ fan mamåhlao hamyo nu i taihinenggen-miyo”. Ya ha leklek gusse’ i matå-ña guato gi tase; ya ha tutuhon umadingane nu todo i san halom-ña i guihan siha. Ya man sinangåne nu i fina’ maolek Yu’us nu siha ayo annai man nina’ huyong gine (ginen) i taya’, ayo annai man nina’e sagan-ñiha i masak yan magguag na tåse annai siña man nangon måno ha’ man malago’ yan mañocho ni mañasahnge na nengkano’ siha. Annai umadingan si San Antonio, man e’etnon ha’ i guihan siha gi fi’on-ña ha na’ fan hululo’ siha ya ma gegef atan i sumesetmon. Ya finakpo’-ña man binendise nu i såntos na apostot; ya ayo nai man må’pos. Un ha’åne annai mamomokkat i Sånto gi sengsong, ma na’ såga gi gima’ un må’gas ni i numå’e gue’ un sasahnge na fanmaigu’an annai siña u gefsaga manaitai guiya ha’ na maisa. Annai manåyuyut si San Antonio gi san halom i sagå-ña, sinedda’ gue’ na fini’u’une nu i linangitan na mina’lak. O yini’usan lini’e’! Un sen gefpå’go na påtgon å’paka’ kalan i niebe, ma såsdde gi kannai San Antonio, na taiguihe mohon i manguiguife, ti sangånon na minagof ha totoktok yan ha hohonño’ gi korason-ña ha o’okte chumiko. Si Jesus gue’, i abubung (abubon) halom tåno’ yan i lirio i fangualu’an siha. Håye siña sumångan i minagof ayo na ånte na sen iyon Yu’us annai ha lili’e’ yan ha totoktok si Yu’us i taihinekkok na Sinantos? Håftaimano i mames na hinaspok yan pinayang yan minagof ayo na manguaiya na korason, gigon ma sådde gi sen Såntos na Korason Jesukristo? | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua There were heretics near Padua, who were mocking the preaching of Saint Antony. One day the saint prayed a little: and left for the river which circled near the city; and when he made his cry louder so that the crowd of people could hear him well, he told those heretics: “You who refuse to listen to the Word of God. I will preach to the fish; and you will be humiliated for your lack of faith.” And he turned his face quickly toward the sea; and he began to preach to the fish with all his heart. And he told them how good God was in creating them out of nothing, when they were given their place in the wide and open sea where they could swim wherever they wanted and eat a variety of foods. When Saint Anthony spoke, the fish gathered at his side, rising and intently watching the preacher. At the conclusion the holy apostle blessed them; then they left. One day while the saint was walking in the city, he stayed in the house of a lord who have him a separate bedroom where he could comfortably pray alone. When Saint Anthony prayed inside his room, he saw that he was surrounded by heavenly glory. O divine vision! A most beautiful child white as snow was held in the hands of Saint Anthony, as if it were a dream, with unspeakable joy he embraced and pressed him to his breast, covering him with kisses. Jesus was like the morning glory of the jungle and the lily of the garden. Who can speak of the joy of that soul most united to God when he saw and embraced God who is eternal holiness? What could have been the sweet fulness and satisfaction and joy of that loving heart, as soon as it settled in the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ? |
Tinayuyut O sen maolek na San Antonio ni i humoggue ya un uga i Patgon as Jesus annai tumutunok mamemes gine (ginen) långet guato guennao gi kanai-ña, ya ha na’ hineggue gue’ nu hågo! Pine’lo-ña si Jesus na hågo i magåhet na Fina’ta’chong-ña, annai magof sumåsaga, taiguihe i Ta’chong siha na Ånghet, annai ma tåtå’chong gi langet bula mina’gas yan mina’lak. Ha na’ gos magof yo’ ennao i mina’gås-mo. Ya hu tåtåyuyut hao na un na’ taka’ yo’ gi Dikkiki’ na Påtgon ni un hohoggue gi kanai-mo, na u sen gåsgas i anti-ho, ya hu siña humame yan guiya gi såntos na Kumomotgan. Goggue yo’ på’go gi chine’tan-ho yan ta’lo gi finatai-ho; ya un nå’e yo’ nu i hu gågågao na gråsia guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) u nina’ lamatuna si Yu’us yan u nina’ såntos i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer O very gracious Saint Anthony who held and caressed the Child Jesus when he descended sweetly from heaven there onto your hands, and was embraced by you! Jesus believed that you were his true throne, where he was happy to stay, the same as with the Angelic Thrones, where he sits in heaven full of power and brilliance. I rejoice greatly in your glory. I pray to you that you obtain for me the Little Child which you held in your arms, that my soul be perfectly clean, and I will be able to be with him in Holy Communion. Defend me now in my weakness and again at my death; and grant me the grace I ask in this novena, if it be for the greater glory of God and the sanctification of my soul. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 1 and 2)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 1 and 2 are performed on the first, fourth, and seventh days of the nobena.
Second song
Ta Tuna Si San Antonio
Note: “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” and “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” switch everyday. The first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth days of the nobena the second song is “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Mina’ Ocho na Ha’åne (The Eighth Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my hear for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i man Kerubin ni i man ma’okte tiningo’ yan minalåte’! Hu chuchule’ mågi på’go na ha’åne nu i man maolek na fina’tinas ennao siha i man sen faye na Ånghet yan lokkue’ i che’cho’ i tentago’-mo as San Antonion Padua, ni i dinidok nu i sen malate’ na tiningo’. Guiya ha tutungo’ i manakkalom na minagåhet i Hinengge; ya ha fanånå’gue i taotao siha nu i såntos na Tinago’-mo. Hu gågågao hao na u metton gi hinalom-ho i såntos na mina’å’ñao nu hågo; sa’ ennao ha’ annai humuhuyong i magåhet na Finaye yan Minalåte’. Malago’ yo’ lokkue’ na i hinanao-ho yan i man i’epok na sinangån-ho u ha na’ siña yo’ muna’ fan gef tunas i palo siha na taotao gi chalan i minaolek yan i tininas yan i tinago’-mo siha. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ nu i hu gågågao hao guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) un nina’ matuna hao yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. Tres Tatan-måme … | Lord God, Lord of the Cherubim, who are filled with knowledge and wisdom! I bring to you here today the good acts of those most excellent angels and also the works of your servant Saint Anthony of Padua, who was imbued with excellent knowledge. He knew the profound truth and faith; and he taught the people your holy commands. I pray to you that you fix in my soul the holy fear of you; for from that alone comes true excellence and intelligence. I also wish that my behavior and encouraging words will be able to correctly guide others along the way of virtue and righteousness and your commands. Grant me also what I ask in this novena, if it be for your glory and the good of my soul. Amen. Three Our Fathers… |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua Si San Antonio ma na’ tungo’ na ti chågo’ i finatai-ña; ya mamaiche’cho’ nu u suha gi halom taotao siha. Ma po’lo ni i man må’gas ya humånao guato gi halom tåno’ San Piero. Annai ha hanånågue i halom tåno’, ha li’e’ gi talo’-ña un dångkulon trongkon håyo na måyao yan man anåkko’ ramås-ña nina’ nunuhong. Ya ha ayek ayo para sagå-ña; ya ha fa’tinas guihe un låncho ni i tinifok råmas para u sagåye. I ha’åne gi mina’ trenta gi Måyo na pulan, kinse na ha’åne mo’na kematai, sumåsaga i Sånto giya hululo’ gi ekso’ annai siña ha go’he iya Padua. Ya guihe, taiguihe i sinantusan Franciscon Asis, mumalago’ na u bendise i guinaiya na tano’-ña iya Padua. Ya annai ha na’ dochon i inatan-ña yan nina’ mahålang nu i gef ya-ña na siudå, ha leklek gue’ guato gi ga’chong-ña, ya ha sangåne ni taichi’i na minagof na u ma nå’e guihe na siudå gi man mamaila’ na såkkan yan i ma tunan i sagå-ña. I ga’chong-ña ha hungok i fino’-ña; lao ti måtto gi hinaso-ña håfa kumekeilek-ña ayo na sinangan, asta ke ha li’e’ despues de måtai si San Antonio na magåhet na man huhuyong ayo i hagas sinangan i Sånto. Påyon si San Antonio tumunok ginen i sagå-ña ya chumocho diddidi’ na siña u nina’ metgot i hamlango na tataotao-ña. Lao guaha na ha’åne annai kumeketunok, ya gusse’ nina’ye nu un chetnot ya nina’ poddong gue’ gi kannai i mañe’lu-ña. Ayo ha’ ma po’lo guato gi hilo’ i fanasunan chå’guan. Lao luma’atdit; ya ma konne’ guato giya Padua. Man ma’å’ñao na u måtai ya ma na’ såga gi konbenton Arsela, annai nina’ chocho nu i Agong (Agon) i Man Ångheles, i Såntos na Ostia; ya annai manaitai diddidi’ ha lalai i guaiyayon yan gos ya-ña na kantå-ña: “O ma tuna na Saina.” Annai måkpo’ enao, manåyuyut hinalom; ya ha atan guato gi mina’lak na i taotao siha ti ha lil’e’. Ya gogonggong gi sinangan långet. I Che’lo ni i ga’chochong-ña guihe, ha tånga na u tungo’ håfa ayo na lini’e’; ya ha faisen: “Håfa un a’atan?” Si San Antonio chumålek halom ya ha na’ mames gue’ ya ilek-ña: “Hu lili’e’ i Saina-ho.” Annai monhåyan ineleos (inoleos) as Påle’, umadingan i Såntos katna ha’ media ora yan i man gagaige gi langet. Ya måtai mamemes ya gumupo i anti-ña taiginedde gi tataotao guato Fansadi’an i Saina-ta as Yu’us. Kalan mohon mamaigo, i sensen-ña baobao, choma’on: i matå-ña ha na’ malili’e’ na kalan mohon chumåchålek. Magåhet na Hinago’ långet yan Såntos gue’. Måtai gi mina’ tresse gi Hunio na pulan gi mit dos sientos trenta i uno (1231), annai trenta i sais i sakån-ña. Gigon ha’ måtai, i man dichichi (dichicheng) na famagu’on iya Padua ma na’ a’gang gi halom taotao ilek-ñiñiha: “Måtai i Såntos, måtai i Såntos.” | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua It was revealed to Saint Anthony that his death was not far off; and he strove to depart from the company of others. He informed the superiors and went to the forest of San Piero. When he came to the forest, he saw in its midst a large tree, luxuriant with long branches that gave shade. And he chose that for his place; and he made there a shelter made from woven branches for him to stay. On the thirtieth of May, fifteen days before he died, the saint stayed atop a hill where he could oversee Padua. And there, like most holy Francis of Assisi, he wanted to bless his beloved land Padua. And when he fixed his gaze and pined for his beloved city, he turned to his companions, and told them of his unending happiness that that city would be given in the coming years the praise of his having stayed there. His companions heard his word; but it didn’t come to their minds what he meant by them, until they saw after Saint Anthony had died that the saint’s earlier words had come true. Saint Anthony was used to coming down from his place and eating a little in order to strengthen his sickly body. But there were days when he tried to go down, and he soon became sick and fell into the arms of his brethren. That is why they placed him on a bed of grass. But he became worse; and he was taken to Padua. They feared he would die and he was placed at the friary of Arcella, where he was fed with the Bread of the Angeles, the Sacred Host; and when he had prayed a little he sang his beloved and favorite hymn: “O Glorious Lady.” When that was finished, he prayed interiorly; and he looked at a brightness no one else could see. And he murmured heavenly sayings. The friars who accompanied him there wanted to know what he saw; and they asked him: “What are you looking at?” Saint Anthony smiled and sweetly said: “I see my Lord.” After he had been anointed by the priest, the saint for almost half an hour with those in heaven. And he died sweetly and his soul flew without constraints of the body over to the bosom of our Lord God. It was as if he was asleep, his flesh was emaciated, supple: his eyes expressed something of a smile. Truly he obtained heaven and was a saint. He died on the thirteenth of June in 1231 when he was thirty-six years of age. As soon as he died, the small children in Padua cried out among the people saying: “The saint is dead, the saint is dead.” |
Tinayuyut O sen malate’ na Såntos as San Antonion Padua ni i nina’ gef malate’ as Yu’us gi takkilo’ na tiningo’ långet, taiguihe i fina’tinås-ña gi mina’ ocho na Inetnon i Ånghet siha ni i man ma fa’nana’an i Kerubin siha. Ha na’ mamagof yo’ i mina’gås-mo, yagin (yanggen) hu lili’e’ hao gi entalo’ i man malåte’ ni i man nina’ gos manman nu i minalate’-mo yan i minehnalom-mo, ya ma yåyåho hao, “I LALA’LA’ NA KAOHAO I PÅ’GO TESTAMENTO”. Hagu’e yo’ gi yini’usan na Tiningo’, ni magåhet na Åtdao as Jesukristo, na u ina i ilu-ho; ya hu tungo’ håfa maolek yan håfa tailaye. Ya hu hulat dumalalake i u nina’ magof Yu’us. Goggue yo’ på’go gi chine’tan-ho yan ta’lo gi finatai-ho; ya un nå’e yo’ nu i hu gågågao guine na nobena yagin (yanggen) siña u nina’ ma tuna si Yu’us yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer O brilliant Saint Anthony of Padua who was made most intelligent by God in the exalted knowledge of heaven, as he made the eighth choir of angels who are called the Cherubim. I rejoice in your greatness, when I see you in the midst of the wise who marvel at your wisdom and prudence, and call you, “THE LIVING ARK OF THE NEW TESTAMENT.” Obtain for me the divine Knowledge, which is the True Sun Jesus Christ, that it may illumine my mind; and I will know what is good and what is evil. And I will be able to follow what pleases God. Defend me now in my weakness and again at my death; and grant me what I ask in this novena if it be for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 3 and 4)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 3 and 4 are performed on the second, fifth, and eighth days of the nobena.
Second song
Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’
Note: “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” and “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” switch everyday. The second, fourth, sixth, and eighth days of the nobena the second song is “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Mina’ Nuebe na Ha’åne (The Ninth Day)
CHamoru/Chamorro | English |
Pot i señåt i Såntos Kilu’us, na’ fan libre ham gi enemigon-måme, Yu’us Sainan-måme. Gi na’an i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Amen. | Through the sign of the Holy Cross, deliver us from our enemies, Lord our God. In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. |
Asaina Jesukristo na Saina-ho, sen Yu’us ha’ yan sen Taotao ha’, i fuma’tinas yo’ yan i muna’ libre yo’; pot i hågo hao, ya pot i hu gofli’e’-ña hao ke todo, pinite yo’ giya hålolom gi korason-ho ni i hu isague hao. Hu detetmina yo’ mettoton na ti hu isao ta’lo; hu apåtta yo’ siha gi okasion annai siña hao hu isague; na hu konfesåt ya hu kumple i penitensia ni hu ma nå’e. Hu ofrese hao, Asaina, nu i ha’ani-ho, fina’tinås-ho yan che’cho’-ho para åpas todo i isao; ya hu tåtåyuyut hao pot i inangoko-ko nu i yini’usan minaolek-mo yan i taihinekkok mina’ase’-mo, na un asi’e’ yo’ nu siha pot i mineresen i sen guaguan na hagå’-mo, masa’pet-mo yan finatai-mo ya un nå’e yo’ gråsia para hu fañotsot ya hu sisige ha’ gumef setbe hao asta i hinekkok i ha’ani-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | My Lord Jesus Christ, true God and true man, who made me and saved me; for your own sake and because I love you more than all things, I am sorry within my hear for having offended you. I firmly resolve not to sin again; I remove myself from those occasion when I could sin against you; that I will confess my sins and fulfill the penance which I am given. I offer you, Lord, my life, my actions and my works in atonement of all my sins; and I pray to you on account of my hope in your divine goodness and infinite mercy, that you will forgive me my sins on account of your most precious blood, suffering and death and that you will grant me the grace to repent and to continue to serve you well till the end of my life. Amen. |
Asaina, baba i pachot-ho; ya i pachot-ho un tinina. Yu’us maila’ ya un ayuda yo’; Asaina gusse’ mågi ya un goggue yo’. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. | Lord, open my lips; And my mouth shall declare your praise. God come to my assistance; O Lord make haste to help me. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be world without end. Amen. |
Ma Gågao San Antonio Man na’manman i ta li’e’ Man måpao i napo siha; I chetnot yan i anite Man hånao gi sagan-ñiha. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. Gin guaha malingon-miyo, Hasso i mi ninasiña; Ya i pepble, yagin (yanggen) tai na’, U fanangokko nu guiya. Ta tuna si San Antonio Todos i mangilisyåno Sa’ sumen bula i tano’ Ni i milagru-ña siha. U ma tuna i Tata, yan i Lahi-ña yan i Espiritu Sånto. Taiguihe gi tutuhon-ña, på’go yan siempre para i manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Amen. Ta tuna si San Antonio… | Invocation to Saint Anthony It is wondrous for us to behold The waves are calmed down; Illness and demons Flee from their places. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. If you have lost something, Remember the powerful one; And the poor, if he lacks food, will rely on him. Let us praise Saint Anthony All you Christians For abundant in all the earth Are his miracles. Glory be to the Father, and to the Son and to the Holy Spirit. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Let us praise Saint Anthony… |
Asaina Yu’us na Sainan i man Serafin na Ånghet siha ni i gumofli’e’ hao nu i sen fehman yan håhånon na ginefli’e’! Hu chule’ mågi på’go na ha’åne nu i man maolek na fina’tinas ennao siha na Ånghet yan ayo siha na cho’cho’ i tentago’-mo as San Antonio giya Padua ni i gofli’e’-ña taiguihe i ginefl’en (ginefli’e’) i Man Serafin nu hågo. Guiya, kalan magåhet na Serafin gi hilo’ tåno’, ha cho’gue man mahatot yan man makkat siha na fina’tinas ni i u ha na’ ma tuna i Såntos na Na’ån-mo gi entalo’ i taotao siha. Guiya muna’ ma tungo’ hao yan ha na’ ma gofli’e’ nu ayo siha i ti tumungo’ Yius ni i umisague si Yu’us ha’åne yan puenge. Hu tåtåyuyut hao, Asaina, na u sen didok i guinaiya-ko nu hågo; ya ennao ha’ na ginefli’e’ u na’ famaiche’cho’ yo’ ya hu konne’ i taotao siha guato gi såntos na ma gofli’e’-mo. Nå’e yo’ lokkue’ nu i hu tåtånga na gråsia guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) siña u nina’ ma tuna si Yu’us yan u nina’ lamaolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. Tres Tatan-måme … | Lord God, Lord of the Seraphim who love you with intense and burning love! I bring here today the good acts of those angels and the works of your servant Saint Anthony of Padua who loved you more than the love the Seraphim had for you. He was like a true Seraphim on earth, he did difficult and burdensome acts which glorified your Hoy Name among the people. He made you known and loved among those who did not know God and who offended God day and night. I pray to you, Lord, that you deepen my love for you; and that love alone will make me strive to bring people to a holy love of you. Grant me also the grace which I desire in this novena, if it be for the glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen. Three Our Fathers… |
Che’cho’ San Antonio de Padua Ma na’ såga ti ma håfot kuåttro na ha’åne i tataotao San Antonio, ya ha na’ fan magof i taotao siha ni i man ginen i chagogo’ na tåno’ siha. I ma hafot-ña ni i ma fa’tinas gi Måttes ni i tumatittiye i finatai-ña, gi mina’ dies i siette gi Hunio na pulan, ti ma cho’gue kalan i ta payuyune na hinafot, lao taiguihe i magåhet na gupot i linahyan. Ayo na ha’åne todos siha i man manåyuyut yan ayo siha i fumalåggue si San Antonio, tåya’ humuyong ha yute’; todos man ma nå’e nu i minalago’-ñiha. Guennao ma tutuhon i tresse Måttes San Antonio. I kumonfesat yan i kumomotgan TRESSE MÅTTES, yagin (yanggen) ha tayuyute as Yu’us i Sånto Påpa, u gånna Induthensia Plenåria kada Måttes i che’cho’-ña. Siña lokkue’ man ma fa’tinas gi TRESSE NA DAMENGGO NI I MAN ADALALAK. Dia ocho gi Abrit na pulan gi mit dos sientos sesenta i tres, ma chule’ i te’lang San Antonio guato gi bonito na åttat ni i ma fa’tinåse. Si San Buenaventura muma’gågåse i ma na’ hånao i te’lang siha. Ya annai ha baba i kaohao annai ma sine i tataotao San Antonio, ha li’e’ yan ha chuli’e’ lokkue’ i taotao siha ni i man guaguaguato na i tataotao-ña mama’ åpo, lao i hila’-ña ti lumammok ya sumåga baobao yan agaga’ taiguihe i hila’ taotao ni i lala’la’. Nina’ gos magof si San Buenaventura; ha chiko i hila’ bula rinespeta yan minanman; ya ha sångan ayo i ma oppan na finiho (finiho’): “O ma tuna na HULA’ ni i un tutuna ha’ si Yu’us taiminaktos, ya un na’ fan manununa lokkue’ i pumalo. På’go nai ma li’e’ mananana na sen guaguan hao gi me’nan Yu’us!” | The Deeds of Saint Anthony of Padua The body of Saint Anthony remained unburied for four days, and this elated the people who came from far places. His burial which occurred the Tuesday following his death, on the 17th of the month of June, was not done like burials were are familiar with, but like that of a true public holiday. On that day, no one who prayed or besought Saint Anthony was left abandoned; all were given what they asked for. That is how the Thirteen Tuesdays of Saint Anthony began. He who confesses and receives Holy Communion for thirteen Tuesdays, if he prays to God for the Holy Father, will gain a Plenary Indulgence each Tuesday he does it. One can also do the THIRTEEN CONSECUTIVE SUNDAYS. On April 8, 1263 the bones of Saint Anthony were taken to the beautiful altar made for him. Saint Bonaventure supervised the transfer of the bones. And when he opened the crate where the body of Saint Anthony was reserved, he saw and also took to the people who were going there his body which had become ash, but his tongue did not decay but stayed fresh and red as is the tongue of a living person. Saint Bonaventure was overjoyed; he kissed the tongue with great respect and wonder; and he spoke those resounding words: “O glorious tongue which glorified God without end, and who made others glorify God. Now it is clearly evident that you are very precious before God!” |
Tinayuyut O Gigofli’e’ na Såntos as San Antonio gi Padua! Mañiñila’ na Serafin i tano’, ni i korason-mo mansongge taiguihe i Serafin siha gi yini’usan na guåfe na mañiñila’ gi halom i Såntos na Hå’of Jesukristo, figan na Hotnon Ginefli’e’. Ha na’ mamagof yo’ ennao na mina’gås-mo na nina’en Yu’us nu hågo. Ya hu tåtåyuyut hao, guinaiya-ko na Såntos, na un songge gi halom i korason-ho sen dångkulo na finañila’ ginefli’e’, ya hu gofli’e’ si Yu’us kololo’-ña ke i guinahan tåno’ siha, yan i teguång-ho (tiguång-ho) taiguihe i hu gofli’e’ yo’ na maisa. Tåya’ nai hu tåtånga gi hilo’ tåno’ na ennao na ginefli’e’. Goggue yo’ på’go guine gi chine’tan-ho yan ta’lo gi finatai-ho; ya un nå’e yo’ nu i hu gågao hao guine na nobena, yagin (yanggen) siña u nina’ lamatuna si Yu’us yan u fina’ maolek i anti-ho. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer O Loving Saint Anthony of Padua! Ardent Seraph of the earth, whose heart burned like that of the Seraphim with divine fire which burned within the holy breast of Jesus Christ, fiery furnace of love. I rejoice in the greatness which God has given you. I pray to you, my beloved saint, that you light within my heart a huge fire of love, and I will love God more than earthly treasures, and my neighbor as I love myself. I desire nothing on earth more than that love. Defend me now in my weakness and again at my death; and grant me what I ask in this novena, if it be for the greater glory of God and the good of my soul. Amen. |
Ma Tåyuyut i Mama’potgenñaihon Tai’isao ni i Fine’nana Sen såntos na Raina yan tai’isao na Bithen as Maria! Hågo nina’ såfo (såfo’) as Yu’us gi tutuhon na isao, ya un nina’ siña humuyong maolek na Nånan i Mamaisa ha’ na Lahi-ña ni i mama’ taotao gi sen gåsgas na tiyån-mo. Hu gågao hao, Taiche’tan na Bithen yan Ma Tunå-ña ke i pumalon famalao’an, na un na’ inasi’e’ yo’ nu i yini’usan Lahi-mo nu i dinangkulon tinailaye-ko; ya un na’ ma tuge’ i na’ån-ho gi Fantugi’an i Lina’la’ annai man ma na’ hålom i na’an i man inayek Yu’us; ya hu siña humago’ i taihinekkok na ginefsagan i langet ni i hu nanangga gine (ginen) i tinayuyot-mo. Gågao lokkue’ si Jesukristo, na guiya u na’ lamatuna i Na’ån-ña, u na’ fan måfnas i chathinengge siha yan ennao siha i man erehe, u å’ñao i manganite, u na’ fan måhgong ham, ya u na’ fan afa’maolek i mangilisyano na man må’gas. An taiguennao, ti åpman u ta li’e’ i mina’lak Yu’us yan i gine’he-ña gi hilo’ i tano’, yan i na’magof na matå-ña gi langet. Guiya ni i lala’la’ yan manånågo’ gi manaihinekkok na ha’åne. Taiguennao mohon. | Prayer to the Immaculate Conception Most holy Queen and sinless Virgin Mary! You were saved by God from original sin, and you were able to become the good mother of His only Son who became man in your most pure womb. I beseech you, sinless Virgin and most blessed among women, that you render me forgiven by your divine Son of my great evils; and have my name written in the Book of Life where the names of those chosen by God are inscribed; and that I will be able to obtain the eternal blessedness of heaven which I await through your prayers. Beg from Jesus Christ also that he exalt his Name, that heresies and heretics be wiped away, that the demons be conquered, that we be kept in peace and that Christian leaders be reconciled. If this should be, then we shall soon see the glory of God and his rule over the earth, and his joyful countenance in heaven. He who lives and reigns forever and ever. Amen. |
First song
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio (verses 5, 6, and 7)
For the complete music sheet please refer to “Nobena audio files and music sheets” at the end of the entry or download the file here:
Note: Verses 5, 6, and 7 are performed on the third, sixth, and ninth days of the nobena.
Second song
Ta Tuna Si San Antonio
Note: “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio” and “Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’” switch everyday. The first, third, fifth, seventh, and ninth days of the nobena the second song is “Ta Tuna Si San Antonio”.
Third song
U Ma Gef Tuna
Nobena audio files and music sheets
Såntos-Måme, San Antonio
Ta Tuna Si San Antonio
Si Yu’us Numå’e Yo’
U Ma Gef Tuna
Nobenan San Antonion Padua, 2023
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